Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tattoo pictures!

Our new ink is almost done healing (and itching!). The outside circle & floret on both ours are based on traditional Iban designs. Alicia's inside swirl (on the right) is also a typical pattern.

As we may have mentioned before Iban tribesmen get tattoos as rites of passage and later in life to document travel and adventures. The longer they've gone, and more they've been away, the more ink a tribesman will have. Thus our attraction to the Iban style and the Borneo Ink shop as we wanted ink to represent our huge adventure.

We both wanted something to represent a compass (and thus travel). Alicia's design on the left is her play on that. My design is what Eddie thinks is a Iban version of a compass that started appearing in Iban art 40-60 years ago.

Beautiful lady with her designs situated close to her father's work.

The shoulder placement and symmetry are also Iban hallmarks.


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