Sunday, June 29, 2008

Today I am writing to you all from Arusha, Tanzania!!! Let me catch you all up with what has been happening in our world!!
ztztz...last I left you we were about to leave Egypt. I was ready forthat..thats for sure. We arrove in Zurich, Switzerland I was instantly in love. The cobblestone streets and fairy tale architecture melted me immediatly. The city is so impecably clean, and everyone was so civilized...I was allowed to dress the way I want, and there were resturants on every street that I could actually eat at!!! All this was obviously a welcome change.
Jonathans Mom helped us figure out where to stay when were were planning this leg of the trip, and she could not have done any better {thank you Cathy}!! It was the chicest guesthouse with a cool neighborhood bar as the first floor and entrance. Mind you San Franciscan, it was not Trax :{...but non the less a cleaner calmer spot, perfect for after a flight. We hung out there and had the best dinner of spinach, ricotta, pine nuts, and carmalized oinon crepe {Jonathans was a different combo} and the best glass of cold white wine...ahhhhh...I could not have been happier at that moment. The guy who was working that evening was also super cool, totally laid back and someone that if we had time would definatley be our friend. The room was spotless anf had 2 puffy white down comforters awaitung us!! I am telling you, after lumpy pillows and and all that lame bread and cheese I mentioned before this was heavan!
We wandered all over Zurich, amongst all the tall blonde people{who actually look good with blond hair because its nautual}and I only wished we had more time and money to be there. Everything was so expensive, but worth the interlude. The river that runs though Zurich is absolutley stunning. It is crystal clear and emerald green. At one point there is a a part of the canal thet people were swimming in, and I instantly regretted not having my bathing suit on me. Oh time...and there certinley will be a next time!!
Lil side note of hysteria...I saw a thugish boy rocking huge pearl earings as opposed to diamonds, and I just though it was the funniest thing..he looked more like an old woman than a tough guy!!!
Ok...we left Zurich sadly at 6 am to catch our flight to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. This was a long and boring flight..10 hours actully!! Everytime we borad I flight I just don't understand why they make all the suckers without enough money walk through the luxory part of the plane with seats that lie flat and people already drinking champange!! I mean come the time we get to our cramped lil seats wich my long legs will inevtably be stifled in I am thoughrly upset at the airlins, and all the rich people!!!!
We arrove in Dar laet and went stright to our guesthouse there. We ate and passed out to wake nice and early..6am again to take a bus to Arusha..
aaaahahhaahha....we have to go this second to our safari...sorry to leave you all hanging and sorry for spelling and grammer drams....more later..
xooxoxoox Alicia Claire


At June 29, 2008 at 5:09 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I really wish you guys could have taken a year off - six months to have all these crazy experiences, and the other six to write the book. You both write so well(!) - I was just right there with Alicia being mad at the first class champagne-chugging airline passengers and then chewing on her knees for 10 hours. Oh my.

At June 29, 2008 at 4:12 PM , Blogger vix said...

Hey Baby Girl and Dreamman.....there is a reason for freguent flyier miles...first class!! Last time we were in the back of the bus, the fat prego woman had her seat sitting on my knees amd told me if I didn't like it to fly up front!!! Rude, rude!! Some airlines have more leg room than others. We always get to the airport 3 hours ahead of time to check for those exit rows!! Love you, Vix


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