Friday, June 20, 2008

Cairo madness!!!!

Ok..The best word to describe Cairo Egypt is Wild. Just Wild. Here are just some of my thoughts and words about it:
Hot!!! Out of control, busy, honking, compassionate, welcoming, dirty, hectic, conservative, honking, prayers over speakers throughout the city, breezy nile, walking chaos, driving mayhem, honking, loud, wonderful, magical, historic, mind blowing,ancient, the pyramids...oh the wonder. oppresive to women for the most part. Frustratinginly slow, honking!!! insightful, beautiful....
my list could go on and on,and it will when I have more time.
Today we leave on a train for Alexandria. I am excited to just relax. Our time here has been jam packed. The pyramids were fantastical whimsical, and I was taken aback all day. Jonathan and I climbed down into the Red Pyramid, and we luckily we were the only ones there!! We had that experience all to ourselves. The climb was astronomically tough, one of the most hectic experences I have ever had!! Literally!! It was so steep and dark, and we had to hunch the entire way down and up. The scent was of mild old urine and sweat. I myself was dreanched. The color was a musty orange let in from the one and only entrance above. The feelings I had in there of time past,of death, of transgressing...were stunning,and hurt my brain a little. My legs are still unbelievanbly sour 2 days later...sore in a way that makes you appreciate your functioning body, but also in a way that makes you cringe with every step and stair!!! we go again...more later...this is just the tip of the iceberg on Cairo
I am thinking of you all, and miss everyone!!
Alicia Claire


At June 20, 2008 at 12:15 PM , Blogger TC said...

WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN!? Hey Kids! The Magical Dream Trip sounds magical and dreamy! I wish I was exploring the dusty sweaty caves with you... do they serve Champagne in the depths of the Pyramids?
Right now is is 3:15PM (NYCtime) on Friday June 20th, which means You left Brooklyn only 2 weeks ago this very moment! I guess it really is a small world after all... can't wait to read about more adventures! (ps- we got the key to the new Alter today!!)

At June 23, 2008 at 4:17 PM , Blogger Adamo said...

Hello you two,

I hoped you loved Egypt. It sounds like you were able to appreciate the Chaos and find some rhyme or reason within that amazing country. I can't believe you're off to Switzerland. I can't think of a more different place than Egypt to Switzerland. It will be interesting to hear what a shockingly different place it will be. Hope you enjoy Euro 2008! All is well back at Tippit. We're missing you.

At June 27, 2008 at 5:05 AM , Blogger uncle richard said...

Uncle Richard here, I'am truly enjoying your Blog. i'am living the trip thru you. Vicky and I always wanted to do something like that.When I told you about our trip to Eygpt I did not exxagerate. Your desription's are perfect.


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