Cape Town goodness
Ok..After being in Tanzania, such a wild, beautiful, and un-city like was a welcome change to end up in Cape Town.
Upon arriving, just on our ride from the airport to our hostel I was struck with the sense of San I am sure Jonathan will write about as well. The hills and fog, all by a bay. I felt at home. It was a good feeling. I am not one to be homesick..never have been, but being here feels nice. It reminds me of a life I love, and seeing other countries and ways of life is completely amazing, but a reminder of what we left behind is cozy too.
This is an urban city with fashion, and diversity. The price is right as well, as we are still in Africa, and the dollar still holds precedence over the rand..thank goodness for us!! It is winter here though, but once again, just like San Francisco. Chilly but tolerable.
A blessing and a curse is where we are staying. It is the real deal hostel, and up until now we have been staying in small guesthouses and cheap hotels...which we may not have seen as a luxury until now!! I actually was excited to stay where we are staying before we got here...and its not so bad..its just, we really are adults, and the same nonsense that was tolerable years ago in Hostels is now annoying!!!
There are all different ages staying there, but mostly young people. Young people with no courtesy. In the morning some people have been so loud, it is just crazy..I mean really...who would shout outside another persons room before 9 am ever??!?!?!?!!? Oh, and the bar plays THE WORST music at full blast all the time, that resonates through speakers right outside our room. Literally..they have repeated songs so many times I now know the words to some of the lamness.
The good news is that there is a fully equipped kitchen which is totally dreamy for me and my dreamman, since we love to cook. We have gone to the grocery store multiple times now, and keep whipping up the goodness. We could not be happier with that. The problem is that it is a communal kitchen, and you are expected to clean up after yourself. A simple notion you may think...yeah me too. But of course there is always a dirty dish or the counter or dining table covered in crumbs from dinner. What is wrong with people??!?!?!! It drives me a lil crazy..but there is nothing we can do, but grin and bare it, although I am tempted to leave nasty notes all over the kitchen!!!
Oh the perils of traveling, and shared spaces. I suppose this will only make us appreciate things we have such as our own stunning kitchen when we get back!!
Ok..I miss you all.
Alicia Claire
I love to travel myself and it sounds as if your having an awesome time and staying in some pretty good places! I found through my travels that where you stay really determines the tone of your trip, wouldn't you agree? I remember staying in this one hotel that smelled like being downwind of a row of porta-potties, mixed with cigar was disgusting! Have you ever had any similar experiences, OMG please share!
Check out this funny video, called "Ballad of a Traveler", it is hilarious. He totally sums up the travelers experience:>
YouTube - Ballad of a Traveler
I work with Hampton Inn, you should come stay with us next time you need a place to stay, we'd love to have you :-);jsessionid=SXEZ4FIZDCG4OCSGBJF2VCQ?it=specials,dreams&cid=om,hx,dreams,specials
Alicia Claire, I love you and you crack me up!!!!Nothing can possibly be call winter unless it involves snow and temp's less than 30's. You forget from whence you came!!!
I LOVE the decriptions of the "younger" travelers at your are making yourself sound SO old complaining of the music and people not cleaning up after themselves OMG everyday that is what it is like in our lunh room!!! Also anyone who has stayed up all night can be yelling for their friends anytime!!! In Greece the bugs would wake us up at dawn every morning!! Enjoy Vix
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