Friday, July 25, 2008

beauty days and dinner parties!!

Two of my favorite things!!!
So I was just about to have a mental breakdown over my hair..when I got the hook up!! Being on Zanzibar was amazing, but all that sun and sea water was not the look for my fast fading locks. I was featuring a faded red orange look..which was not the look, not to mention I totally had roots which is an absolute faux pax for me. Thank goodness for my array of sparkly scarfs I brought with me, that I used as head band wraps.
While in Stonetown I did buy a box of red henna, but I wasn't quite sure how to use it, and also, the place we were staying strongly forbade getting henna on their sheets or towels. I sent my sister in law, Amy, an email, since I knew she had hennaed her hair before. She gave me all the good info, but I thought I would just check with the 2 ladies who did massage and henna at our place Paje by Night. They are the sweetest, and although they only perform henna art designs on the skin, they offered to do my hair!!
I totally got the hook up!! I had the most amazing experience! Khadija is the name of the girl that first agreed to take on the ask, and the other lady just joined in. I sat on the floor, while these two woman smeared my hair with the henna. They were so particular, and used a toothbrush around my hairline for perfection. As they chit chatted in Swahili, it was so funny, because when they came across my dreadlocks they both cooed.."Rasta"!! I loved it. I have to admit it was quite lovely to sit back and relax and let someone else do my hair dye. I have gotten so used to doing it myself for so long, but what a treat to be pampered.
After the henna was all up in my hair, Khadija brushed the color through with a comb to make sure she had gotten every last strand. I left the color in for a couple of hours, and hung out with the ladies siting on the floor and chilling out.
Khadija loved Jonathan and I, and her English was quite spectacular, so we got to have some good conversation. After a while of hanging out, she asked us if we would like to go to her house for dinner the next day!!! This to me was the absolute icing on the cake to getting my hair done. First of all, for all who know me well, know I love love love a dinner party!!
Jonathan and I had been hoping to get invited to someones home the entire time we were in Tanzania, and to receive this offer just 3 days before we left the country was such luck. To be asked to dinner is such an honour, and not an invitation given often to tourists, I am sure.
The next evening, with my new deep burgundy red hair, and my full outfit that I had made in Moshi, Jonathan and I went to me Khadija at the gate. We waked throughout the village in complete darkness to her home. Upon entering, it was also pitch black. There we people sitting in the first room that we did not notice until someone was that dark. In the adjoining room there was a reed mat on the floor with a piece of fabric on top, and one small candlestick burning. We slipped off out sandals and sat on the floor. Khadija proceeded to bring out mounds of food, plate after plate for us. There was rice, chips {french fries}, spinach, beans, and 2 fried fish fresh from the ocean in a vegetable curry sauce. There was literally enough food for a family of 5, yet it was all for Jonathan and I.
I know this sounds bizarre, but that is how it is done there, and when you are invited to dinner at someones home, they serve you, and only you as their guest and do not eat with you...!!! We insisted that Khadija and her boyfriend at least sit with us. Rveryone should be shocked to learn that I ate the fish!! Well, tried it..too be courtious. I figured if there was ever a chanve to do so, this was it.
All in all it was a spectacular and wonderful experience. We feel too lucky once again.
OK...cant wait to have dinner parties with all you crazy people too!!!
xoxoxox Alicia Claire


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