Friday, July 25, 2008

Not our favorite ride...

We arrived yesterday in the de-facto captial of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam. Our mode of transport from Zanzibar was one of the many high speed catamaran ferries that many times a day from here to Stone Town.

As we were sitting in the ferry dock in Stone Town a worker came up and started handing out little black baggies. Alicia asked me what they were for, and I replied with something that included the word "vomit". This prompted Alicia to wonder if we needed one too. I was conviced I would not need one... and thankfully I was right.

However, a great many of our fellow passengers were not so lucky. The lady behind me started throwing up the moment we hit the ocean channel (and thus the big waves). She had two more unfortunate moments the rest of the ride. I believe there was another person behind Alicia throwing up, as well as a small child who was, umm, unhappy lets say, the entire time.

We were sitting in the upstairs deck of our ferry, outside (this is the "1st Class" area). I don't want to imagine what the downstairs was like. That area is much wider with small windows to look our and watch the horizon. Keeping your eyes out of the boat is of course the best way to avoid being ill besides taking medicine.

Some thoughts to readers who may come across this article doing research on the Dar<->Stone Town ferry:

1. If you have any pre-disposition to being motion sick (like my beloved sister :), DO NOT take the ferry. Cough up the money to fly. Tickets are now around $80-$90 (vs. $40 for a 1st Class ferry ticket) and will probably keep going up with the price of oil.

2. The slower ferries (three + hours vs 90-100 minutes on the fast ferry) might be better or worse. Better as they are hitting the waves slower, worse as they are monohauls and will tip more in the waves. Locals ride the slow ferries, so if you are after a more authenic experience, that is your way to go.

3. If you do take a fast ferry, I'd recommend the company Azam Marine. Most people I spoke with said they operate the nicest/cleanest boats, and also have more runs per day. Note: you can only buy tickets one day ahead of time, and you will likely need your passport.


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At July 25, 2008 at 6:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Augh, I can barely take a trip around the bay on the Blue & Gold ... I'm getting seasick just thinking about it. Three hours on a ferry?!? No thanks ... :)

At July 25, 2008 at 3:09 PM , Blogger said...

Your post made me think about sitting at a sunset party with you two and Erika, watching the human circus around us, a lady in a white see-through skirt with a black thong, hoola hooping, and alicia saying "VOMIT!!!"

something tells me your boat ride gave ACH a new understanding of the word!!!

At August 1, 2008 at 10:43 AM , Blogger vix said...

I am reminded of Di and my first trip to the carribean and our ferry trip to St. John's. She came "home" at 4A and we had to leave at 6A for the ferry. I swore at her all the way to the boat stating that I would NOT take car of her if she got sick. Yes poetic justice did happen with me sick as a dog, her feeding me crackers while she resumed swilling down the beers like the trooper she is. Gotta love it! I think she and the crew were the only ones NOT sick!!! One more reason B-O-A-T- is a dirty 4 letter word in my house. Love Vix


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