lazy days
here I am.
Lounging on a zebra print couch next to my lover. Its warm, but its also breezy and overcast. We woke and stumbled out of our gigantic bed and walked about 30 steps to the outside dining area for our free breakfast of fresh bread, cake, a coffee biscuit, African coffee, a plate of the freshest bananas, pineapple, mango, oranges, watermelon and lychee we've ever had, along with fresh squeezed mango juice, and our choice of eggs {scrambled, omelet, boiled,or fried}. Not so bad to only have to sit, and have everything brought to you.
After breakfast we sit, or lay in a hammock, and read, contemplate taking a nap. Its too lovely. Perhaps later we will take a stroll down the beach, a dip even.
It has now been 1 day less than 2 months since we left San Francisco. Its our 3rd day here in Paje. I have officially adjusted. My morals of always feeling the need to do something, of feeling lazy and bummy if I am not accomplishing some task, have subsided, and finally I am happy and content to just be. To just be alive and enjoy breathing, and sitting, and the fresh breeze, and the music of all the different languages being spoken around me.
This is a very strange and marvelous way to feel. It makes me wonder why we all get so caught up in the hustle and bustle. You know, in having to do this, and that, and meet up, and see this person, and expecting phone calls, and having to return phone calls. When I was working as an esthetician in San Francisco I prided myself on helping people to zone out and relax during facials, but even then, some of my clients could not turn off their phones, could not disconnect..and I, myself would even be checking my phone every time I walked into the break room. Modern communication is great, yes, but almost even better to forget about sometimes too.
Here..amidst sea breezes and cool jazz, my communication has been widdled down to diary-ing for all of you, and whimsical conversations with strangers, where there is no necessary point or determination to the conversation. Its become a pure pleasure to meet and share and just listen with other and new people..
Needless to say, I am happy, and relaxed, and I wish this for all of you out there too.
xxooxox Alicia Claire
Isn't it great, not to have a care in the world. I think that is why people take vactions, read, have hobbies....etc. It takes them out of their world for the amount of time they spend doing what they are doing. The golf course and vacations do that for me. Nothing else matters in the world and it is all about me, my game, my experiences, my appreciation for what i am or am not doing at the time. After our two weeks the glow stays around for usually another two weeks, before getting all caught up again. It'll be interesting to see how long the glow lasts with you and jonathan after months and months of being surrounded by the beautiful feelings you are having now. Live and love, vix
a m a z i n g. i love this post. i want to be there. i think i made about 175 phone calls and 99 e-mails and 65 text messages today!!! i want to throw my tele in the east river and come to ZanZZiBar
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzanzibar looks good on you.
i was elated to read this post. you and dream man deserve this peace.
love you both tons.
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