Friday, October 3, 2008

Arrival in Bangkok, dinner, drinks, then drama...

Alicia and I had a super nice flight on Thai Airways from Delhi to Bangkok yesterday. Our flight experience was, thankfully, totally normal and nothing like our domestic hell-ride from Kerala to Delhi.

We had a nice driver to the airport, super smooth airport check-in process. Utterly reasonable and professional conducted security check, a nice waiting area, coffee, affordable water on the plane. Amazing!

The Thai flight was of course run by the nicest people ever. We had a celebratory Sapphire and OJ on the rocks with our pseudo-plane-food (everything can't be perfect). It was wonderful.

Our arrival in Thailand went smoothly despite the missing cabs at the airport (I read something about an airport taxi strike in the paper today). We took a shuttle bus in through the typically horrific Bangkok gridlock and got to our swanky hotel, the Asia Hotel Bangkok, of which our old roomate and super-friend Rob hooked up for us. This is hands down the nicest place we've stayed (minus maybe our one night in Manhattan in June). The place is huge, and very 80's Vegas loungy weirdness. Everyone is super nice and our arrival even had music via an Elvis impersonator!

We went out and found a simple Thai diner, and then had cocktails (Alicia) and yummy Singha for me at a funny bar with really bad live music.

An excellent, super fun arrival for Alicia's first time in the 'real' Asia.

And then... poof. We both get REALLY REALLY SICK. Caps lock required for emphasis. All the digestive badness you can imagine, all night long. We both really didn't sleep.

Long story short, I'm feeling a bit better, a mild fever and have not really been able to eat but Alicia still feels terrible. We're hoping she'll improve by the morning.

I need to do some research for her and then head back. Wish us luck.

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At October 3, 2008 at 7:30 AM , Blogger Amy Claybaugh said...

Oh honeys! Yick. I hope by the time you read this you are both feeling wonderful and spritely.

I'm glad your exit from India was so smooth, even if it did lead to gastrointestinal hell.

At October 3, 2008 at 12:52 PM , Blogger vix said...

I am thrilled to hear that except for not feeling well that everything else is wonderful!! It's about time!! Feel better and I'm hoping that we hear only fabulous stories for the next month! Love, vix


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