Friday, September 5, 2008

Pics and Clips from our boat ride

The waterways were full of boats. During peak season the number of boats out will double causing all sorts of traffic problems. All of them have car horns fitted to them so they can honk back and forth.

Rain rain rain...

More farmers working the fields.

The waterways of Kerala are vast - enough that their are 'road' signs.

Casting off. On the right, our captain. Next is helpful Sumesh from the Gowri Residence in Allepy, and last is the nice guy on the boat who did various tasks, like try and repair the transmission when it broke an hour later...

For those that don't know, the Indian state of Kerala has been governed at the state level by a Communist party for the last 25 or 30 years. This has resulted in some of the best social indicators like literacy and child mortality in India, and some of the worst economic figures. It seems that the Communists are losing their local favor due to a tremendous number of crippling state-wide strikes and stupid policies like prohibiting rice farmers from using mechanised harvesters to ensure jobs (I'm not making this up). A good deal of this years harvest was lost due to labor shortages.

Mr. Fix It guy and our utterly amazing cook.

The area is full of rice paddies, of course due to the large amounts of fresh water available in the water ways to flood the fields.

The sun on its way down over the waterways.

Drunk Indian men dancing for Alicia and I atop their boat. Note that most Indians do not know how to swim. Thus dancing while wasted on top of a narrow boat is not the best idea.

Video of us slowly moving down a canal.

Alicia "enjoying" a gross "strong" Indian beer.

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At September 6, 2008 at 8:22 AM , Blogger vix said...

As always GREAT pictures. Interesting that the Indians do not know how to swim, especially with all their waterways and boats! Love that they use car horns on the boats. Love, vix

At September 6, 2008 at 10:03 AM , Blogger said...

aw!! sumesh!!

At September 7, 2008 at 10:11 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hooray for more beautiful pictures and narrative from your travels!

Thanks you two,

Holly and Darrin


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