Sunday, September 7, 2008

Photos from ther start of our trip

Here are some photos from when we left the US in June:

Right before our departure from Brooklyn, outside our friend's Rui and Tommy's shop (now plural), Alter. Note our amazingly stylish travel pants!

Roof view of residential Barcelona from our friend Josh's parents flat.

A fun hedge row maze at what I believe was an old palace.

Alicia looking fabulous, of course.

A number of shots from the Gothic Quarter below:

A plaza that I should know the name of. I think it is named after a famous 20th century author...

Inside of a massive cathedral that I of course, should know the name of but I don't.

The Barcelona marina. I'd be nice to have a boat here...

Photos of us at the Gaudi Park:

A beautiful little square right off Las Ramblas.

Barcelona has tons of wacky graffiti.

Look everyone: it's our friend Sarah (and gracious amazing host with her boyfriend Josh) with Alicia. Hooray for Sarah!

Barcelona has an amazing borrow-a-bike service called Bicing via a membership only for residents. The service is super amazing. Thanks to Josh's parents for letting us use their cards.

This shoe was made out of pots and pot lids. Why is it in the street? I don't know, but I do love Europe!

A Gaudi designed brick in the sidewalk.


At September 9, 2008 at 1:51 PM , Blogger vix said...

I'm so glad that you seem to be finding more time to download pictures/or you have become the "Master Downloader" and have found a way to make it quick. The photos are fab, and I love the way you say, this is something that I should know the name of but don't, you crack me up. I can see the album now,"important place, known to all but forgotten by us". Love you both, vix

At September 15, 2008 at 9:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice pics of Barcelona - that ricoh isn´t bad at all!

The plaza´s name is ¨Plaza de George Orwell¨ or affectionately called by the locals ¨Plaza de Trippy¨

Boom fam! Keep it rockin´!


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