Saturday, July 12, 2008


This is not easy for me to there is a HUGE cockroach on the floor to left of this computer!! This is Zanzibar. A beautiful and dreamy island with teal and turquoise waters, wind sand beaches...and cockroaches...everywhere!! uummmm ztztztztzz. Today we took a mini bus a lil bigger than a dala dala, but just as crammed to Arusha. From there we hopped on a tiny airaplane seating only 20, all of whom were white travelers. A major change from out\r last travel encounters. We arrived on this stunning island and were brought straight to our hotel, where thank god we are only spending a night before going over to our dream bungalow in Page {pronounced PAJAY}. The guy at the front desk was kind enough..but once we got up to our room I was not a happy lady!! There was a dead cockroach on the floor, no sheets on the bed, no windows, and a bad musty smell!!!
This was not what I imagined of dreamland!!! I am going to survive though, and I just have to realize that we are in the tropics, and there will be bugs, and I only have to stay there for 1 night!!
ok... off to suck it up...oh, we did get sheets for the bed though, and we sleep under a net, so no bugs will be crawling on my face at least!!!
xoxoxox Alicia Claire


At July 12, 2008 at 6:15 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

We are just devouring the blog posts and have been able to share some with the family at Jonathan's mom's family reunion. We posted the picture of you two with Hamisi, and the one of Alicia, dress and seamstress on the picture/family news board that was set up right by the food line (a popular place!) Sure hope you survived The Night of the Cockroaches!

At July 13, 2008 at 9:21 AM , Blogger vix said...

last time we were on a little plane they asked what each person weighed and then told them where to sit so they could keep the plane "balanced", did they do that to you? giant cockroaches..i agree eeeeewwwww. i don't mind the little lizards that you find on the islands, and all have different names depending where you are, but other squirmy things are not to my liking either. sleep well. love,vix


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